Time Saving Tips for Household Cleaning
By: Laitiah Huynh
October 10, 2023

There aren't enough hours in the day to complete all of your favourite activities, let alone find time to keep your home clean. We've all been there: housekeeping gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list over and over. Below presents some helpful tips for cutting down on cleaning time and freeing up more time for yourself! 

Starting in the bathroom, mould and soap build up can be avoided by trimming your shower curtain and not allowing it to drag on the bottom of the shower / bath. Mould generally forms when the shower curtain is too long and bunches up.

Keep a squeegee in the bathroom and wipe clean the glass after each shower to remove extra water or product build up. This will ensure your glass is kept cleaner for longer whilst also reducing the build up of any soaps or products. To keep your toilet free of germs, let denture cleaning tablets dissolve in your toilet for half an hour and then flush.

The high-traffic areas of your home require cleaning regularly and generally for people this is the kitchen space. To make your life easier, at the end of every day you should wipe down all surfaces, do the dishes and vacuum the floor. Doing this will prevent the build up of any grime or germs on your counter, dishes and appliances. Furthermore, if you have any indoor plants within your home, rather than dusting them, place them all in the shower / bath and spray them off then leave them out to dry. 

Another highly demanded area in the house is the living room. The best way to keep cleaning standards maintained in this area is by decluttering. Putting away any items you are no longer using will make your living space look and feel much cleaner. Additionally, it is important to consistently wipe over all window sills and skirting boards to reduce the increase of dust throughout each room within the home. Just like all the other areas in the house, you will also save time by vacuuming and mopping the floors at least once a week. 

By following these tips, you can cut down on cleaning time and enjoy more leisure time for yourself.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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