Home Trends This Spring
By: Laitiah Huynh
September 27, 2023

The initial warming beams of springtime sunshine, the premature bursts of vibrant garden hues, and the brilliant blue skies—aren't they simply something we eagerly embrace! What we're less enthusiastic about, however, is how the lengthening days of sunlight expose our grimy windows, untidy kitchen cabinets, and the dusty, cobweb-filled nooks and crannies in our homes.

After we've successfully checked off our annual spring cleaning tasks, we might feel the desire to breathe new life into our living spaces with a few fresh additions, such as potential furniture upgrades, planned renovations, or even the prospect of purchasing an entirely new home!

So, whether we're simply updating our soft furnishings or exploring the listings of Adelaide's real estate market in search of a stylish new home, what are the interior design trends for the spring of 2023?

Embracing Sustainability: Sustainability and energy efficiency continue to be prominent in all aspects of home living. Using eco-friendly materials in construction contributes to long-term environmental conservation. Moreover, recycling, incorporating repurposed items into our decor, and utilising organic fabrics for home furnishings all play a part in this sustainable movement.

Colour Palette: This spring, interior design trends favor earthy tones, natural textures, and solid block colours. The strategic inclusion of subtle, organic hues infuses warmth and vitality into otherwise subdued colour schemes. While neutrals still hold sway, they are complemented by colours not only in furnishings but also in fixtures and fittings.

Versatile Living Spaces: The enduring legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic is the prevalence of work-from-home spaces. These spaces, be it a dedicated home office, a compact study nook seamlessly integrated into an open-plan living area, or an upstairs room complete with an elegant desk and built-in shelving, are here to stay. Adding a creative touch with unique shapes and textures makes these work-from-home areas far from mundane.

Indoor Greenery: As the minimalist trend of recent years takes a backseat, greenery is making a comeback, blending with tactile textures to infuse life into clean, minimalist canvases. Large tropical plants are trending this spring, incorporating colour, texture, and movement into living spaces while fostering a harmonious connection with our cherished outdoor areas. Real indoor plants not only offer aesthetic appeal but also contribute to indoor air purification.

In summary, even if your budget is limited, you can easily keep up with this year's spring home styling trends by introducing splashes of colour, incorporating organic fiber rugs, and adding a couple of potted plants to your living spaces.

If you're enthusiastic about the idea of selling your current home and / or wanting to purchase a new one this spring, our team at Lands Real Estate are here to assist you by offering a complimentary property appraisal as well as a commitment to delivering outstanding customer service every day.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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