Boosting Natural Light Within Your Home
By: Laitiah Huynh
August 16, 2023

Were you aware that exposure to natural light at home can enhance your mood and overall well-being? It's not surprising that natural lighting is highly valued by homeowners as one of the essential features in a home. If your home lacks natural light, there are several tricks and styling tips you can use to make it feel more spacious and brighter.

Reflective surfaces:

By incorporating mirrors, polished wooden or ceramic floors, reflective splash backs, high gloss furniture, metallic finishes, and glass tabletops, you can improve the natural lighting in your home by reflecting the light off these surfaces. Adding more of these elements throughout your home can make it look and feel brighter.

Light color scheme:

Choosing lighter colors for your walls, ceilings, furniture, and decor can make your home feel brighter and more spacious. Avoid darker colors as they absorb light instead of reflecting it.


Take a look at your garden and see if any trees, shrubs, or climbing plants are blocking natural light from entering your home. You can do some gardening work outside to ensure as much natural light as possible is coming inside.

Opt for external doors with glass or window panels: 

This will allow more light to flood into your home. You may also want to consider installing a front door that has frosted glass or window panels to let in some extra light. Adding lamps or strip lighting in areas of your home that lack natural light can also brighten up your spaces. Installing skylights is another effective way to boost natural light in your home as they allow more sunlight to enter directly and provide consistent light throughout the day.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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