Is it Time to Consider Downsizing?
By: Laitiah Huynh
June 21, 2023

Whilst downsizing may seem simple, this is not always the case. Downsizing can be done in a variety of ways and saying goodbye to your current home and the memories you've made inside can be tough.

You must firstly consider how you would like to downsize. Are you looking for a smaller home? Maybe a unit? Townhouse? Or even considering an apartment?

Secondly, you must consider all of the goods in your house. What can you keep and what should you sell or donate?

To help you get started, we've compiled a list of 5 recommendations to kick off on your downsizing adventure!

1. There is no such thing as a good moment to begin. Downsizing is a personal preference and you just need to take advantage of the opportunity when it's there and when it best suits you and your current situation.

2. Begin by cleaning and decluttering the areas you use the least. This will help you get started before moving on to larger areas.

3. Don't be hesitant to say goodbye to objects and furniture that you haven't used in a long time. If it doesn't bring you joy or convenience, it's time to let stuff go. Whilst thinking about it can be intimidating, the actual process can be quite liberating! Keeping children's school reports, sentimental toys, cards, and other objects can be wonderful, snapping images of them can be a terrific way to maintain them without taking up space! You can then reflect on them and reminisce about the great memories they evoke without needing to physically possess them.

4. Appreciate the simplicity that comes with having less - less to clean, maintain, and clutter your environment. This is a critical mental transition to make when moving from a large home to a smaller one.

5. If you're not sure how you want to downsize, in terms of what size and style of home would be best for you, consider renting a smaller place to live to get a feel for it. If you've tried it out and understood what the new way of life can look like and feel like, you'll be less unsure.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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