Emerging Design Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2023
By: Laitiah Huynh
May 10, 2023

As we continue to meet people and get glimpses into their homes, we know that the way we decorate and fill our spaces is a fascinating reflection of ourselves and our lifestyles. With ongoing material and shipping delays, design trends in 2023 are expected to overlap with trends from previous years, resulting in a slower rate of change. Here are some emerging design trends to watch for in 2023:

Bold Colours: While neutral and grey tones have dominated interiors in recent years, brighter and bolder colours will start to take hold as a natural evolution of the earth tones that trended in 2022. 

Quality Focus: Impulse buying is on the decline as consumers become more environmentally and fiscally aware. Considered purchases that prioritise local, zero-waste, upcycled, vintage, or handmade items are becoming more popular. Expect to see unique conversation pieces in interior design as consumers seek furniture that can be loved for generations.

Blending Indoors/Outdoors: Post-pandemic, we have become more attached to our outdoor spaces, seeking to feel engaged and integrated with our surroundings. Architectural trends aimed at making spaces feel more open and integrated, such as large windows and sliding doors, will continue to be popular. Additionally, indoor plants, natural materials, and botanical prints can be used to bring the outdoors inside and create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Fluted Details: Fluted details, which gained traction in the previous year as a way to play with proportions and make walls appear taller with vertical paneling, will continue to be popular across furniture, cabinetry, and feature glass. Fluted details will also make their way into smaller interior pieces such as vases, crockery, and soft furnishings, adding a touch of texture and interest to spaces.

Intergenerational Homes: With changing market dynamics driven by increasing costs of living and interest rate rises, our relationship with homes is evolving. Floor plans and detached spaces that allow for children to stay home longer, aging parents to move in, and dedicated work from home spaces to stay put are expected to emerge in 2023 as people seek to create homes that accommodate multiple generations and changing lifestyles.

Overall, these design trends reflect a shift towards more thoughtful and intentional design choices, prioritising quality, sustainability, and functionality in our homes.

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Laitiah Huynh
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