Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger
By: Laitiah Huynh
April 12, 2023

It is possible to design a compact yet cosy living area that is also modern, spacious, and incredibly useful. Your house doesn't have to seem cramped just because you can't adjust its size. Even without moving walls or increasing ceilings, there are ways to add light, brightness, and airiness to any area.

At Lands, we’ve seen it all - from large, stately family houses to stylish inner-suburban apartments, and we can promise you that what makes a home appealing is less its size and more how it has been decorated and arranged. When our vendors visit us for assistance in getting their house ready for sale, our stylists frequently leave them speechless. The possibilities for improving the usage of a space might often seem boundless when seen through new eyes.


It’s time to get to work and start getting rid of all the extra bits and pieces that build up. From coffee tables to kitchen drawers, overhead shelves, and bedroom cabinets. Remove all the extra clutter by determining what you actually need and utilise. Put some of the additional decorations and memorabilia away. Make the area clear.

Not only will the area appear better, but it will also feel better. Additionally, styling has been said to make or break a room. While adding a few decorative items can give a room character and personality, if done excessively, they can also take up too much room. Therefore, exercising restraint and limiting your display to one item per wall or table can still make a statement whilst being minimal.

Review your furniture

A few stylish furniture items, as opposed to many substandard ones, will make the room feel elegant and tidy.

Do you require new furniture? Having a big couch or bed is everyone's dream, but keep in mind the space it will take up. Will there be enough room for it, as well as other furniture? To go through a room, you shouldn't have to carefully slide between objects. To prevent them from taking up the entire room, try to make logical choices while choosing these expensive products.

Focus on lovely textures, and add contrasts without overcrowding the area to get that visual balance. When possible, choose light-colored and plain upholstery because dark materials and patterns will "soak up" light and make a space feel smaller.

Natural light

Open the curtains and roll up the blinds to  appreciate the sunlight pouring into your home!

Are your windows covered by plants and bushes? The amount of light that enters your rooms could be greatly improved by spending a few hours on the garden with some secateurs or a pruning saw.

Wash the windows too - this may seem like going above and beyond, but you'd be surprised at how much light is blocked by a thin layer of dust and debris on the glass.

Consider adding an extra window or changing a solid door with one that has glass panels. You should keep in mind that ceiling windows are a great technique to brighten up interior spaces or rooms that lack free wall space.

Artificial light

Is it dark in your home at night?

Think of different layers of lighting: task lighting for areas of high activity (like over kitchen benches) and feature lighting to lead the attention to a particular point of interest. Having multiple light sources is a terrific way to expand the "feel" of a room.

A room can feel completely different with the addition of a warm, cosy atmosphere created by lamps, which are a terrific way to soften the mood of the room.


If you are unable to add extra space physically, you can give the impression of more space by decorating with a wide wall mirror!

Mirrors are yet another technique to make the most of your lighting and give any place the appearance of more depth and space.

As you can gather, making your home appear larger isn't difficult; it only requires making wise decisions in terms of the textures and colours you choose, as well as minimising clutter.

Be willing to try many things because finding the ideal harmony between form and function is a personal experience. Also, keep in mind that your home is a special place for you, so it should be welcoming, cosy, and functional.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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