Achieving Your Real Estate Goals in 2023: Selling
By: Laitiah Huynh
March 29, 2023

Create an Action Plan:

Autumn is an excellent time to take a new look at your home. It's possible to get immune to flaws while living in a home, and to acquire a natural tolerance for minor and major maintenance items. Niggles like loose door handles, shaky steps, and wall scuffs may go unnoticed by you, but they might be off-putting to prospective buyers.

A walkthrough of your home is a good place to start. Pretend you're a buyer, and make a note of any items that need fixing. If feasible, have a friend or family member accompany you for a second opinion.

Once you've compiled your list, begin categorising tasks based on their importance. Determine whether you can manage the items yourself or if you need to start gathering quotes from tradespeople. Starting early helps to avoid a stressful rush.

Declutter and Pay Attention to Detail:

The new year is an excellent opportunity to begin decluttering and reevaluating your belongings. Consider making a smooth flow through your home and removing most of your personal items to help prospective buyers to see themselves in the property. Donate, resell, or dispose of any goods you no longer use, and make storage arrangements for anything you want to keep but not display.

After you've created a streamlined area, roll up your sleeves and do a thorough clean, paying special attention to items and fixtures you don't generally deal with on a regular basis. Cleaning windows and frames, dusting blinds and light fixtures, vacuuming and washing vents, washing drapes and window furnishings, cleaning inside cupboards and drawers, and treating mould are all part of the job.

Since street appeal is important to potential purchasers, it is important to work on the yard. To freshen up the space, remove weeds, mulch garden beds, trim back vegetation and add new plants, and keep water up on the warmer days. Consider redesigning outside spaces and upgrading or replacing outdoor furniture, as alfresco areas are vital to display for buyers for when the warmer months approach.

Ask an Agent:

While your downtime is ideal for getting a head start on preparing your property for sale, you are not alone. Our agents are knowledgeable and experienced in preparing properties for sale, and they are eager to share their knowledge and aid in developing an action plan and can even recommend or coordinate trades to get everything prepared.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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