A Guide to Selling Your Property in Autumn
By: Laitiah Huynh
March 15, 2023

The temperature becomes cooler, the days become shorter, and the leaves on the trees transform into stunning shades of orange and yellow. Autumn is a beloved season for numerous individuals, but what are the benefits of selling your house during this time?

While many people assume that the warmer months are optimal for selling, every season has its advantages. The key is to properly prepare your home for sale.

Listing your home in autumn can be a smart choice for various reasons as most people are back at work and children are back in their school routine by March, distractions are minimised, and potential buyers can focus on house-hunting. Although any time of the year can be ideal for selling a home with the right strategy, the team at Lands Real Estate can provide you with insights into your area’s property market. 

Here are some tips we’ve come up with to help you sell your home during autumn:

1. Create autumn curb appeal by tidying up your front garden, removing fallen leaves, adding autumn flowering plants and giving your fence a fresh coat of paint.

2. Check gutters and drainage to ensure there are no blockages that may cause damp or mould issues during open homes.

3. Check your roof to ensure that it is in good condition and not damaged. Replace any broken tiles as leaving them can lead to excessive water damage.

4. Tidy up your garden, remove any dead or dying plants, and ensure your pool is clean (if you have one).

5. Check your heating systems to ensure your home feels warm and inviting during inspections.

6. Lighting is critical during autumn. You may need to rely on internal lights to create a feeling of light and space.

7. Bring the season indoors by adding subtle reminders of autumn in your home through warm tones for decor and indoor plants. 

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Laitiah Huynh
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