5 Indicators Telling You it’s Time to Sell Your Home
By: Laitiah Huynh
October 10, 2022

In the current market, it's not unusual for homeowners to feel a little price envy after seeing their neighbours get a great sales result for their home. At Lands Real Estate, we are aware that a swift sales experience involves more than simply the final price; it also involves the chance to start a new chapter in your life in a new home.

Growing Family

In the blink of an eye, children develop into teens and as a result, there is an increasing need for a bigger home. It might be time to upsize if you're feeling cramped, hearing your children argue over sharing a bedroom, require more space for a home office, or want a larger backyard for outdoor entertaining.

Time to Downsize

On the other hand, some family homes might feel empty once the kids have all left home, and maintenance chores that you used to find simple, suddenly seem like genuine work. Perhaps some rooms go unoccupied for weeks or even months. If this describes your current situation, you might choose to downsize to a more manageable space that also offers a lifestyle of advantages and can be locked and left safely while you are away from home for longer periods.

Need a New Location

Have you just started a new job in a different area? Or has living by the beach been a dream of yours? Or perhaps you want to reduce the distance you have to travel for your children to go to school? Finding a new home is a great idea for all of those reasons and more. Your new home may provide lifestyle benefits and greater convenience for you and your family.

Your House Just Doesn’t Feel Like Home Anymore

It’s okay if your home no longer feels like your ideal home. Some home owners feel they have done everything they can to improve their property to the point that they are restless. Others desire to be closer to the bright lights or want more of a leafy scenery. It’s perfectly fine to want a fresh start in a new home, remember, your house is someone else's ideal home!

You’ve Got The Funds

Property is a terrific investment, and if you have equity in your existing house, you may use it as a lawful means of increasing your wealth by moving up the property ladder. One of the largest tax-free investments you can own is your primary residence.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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