Spring Refresh
By: Laitiah Huynh
September 13, 2022

There are a few things you can do to get your home ready for the warmer weather as we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Spring cleaning

The chance to reset everything in your home comes with spring cleaning. It's an opportunity to complete any unfinished cleaning projects or those that have been bothering you. Additionally, deep cleaning your grout once a year prevents worse issues like a mould takeover. The windows with rain streaks and dark winter corners definitely need a good spring cleaning. Don't forget to dust window sills, door tracks, light fixtures, and ceiling fans in addition to the obvious things you see every day. Spring cleaning is also an ideal time to check off any maintenance tasks that should only be completed occasionally during the year. You are more likely to remember to complete these kinds of duties if they are connected to spring cleaning. Some of these jobs, like polishing and sealing granite, have a significant impact on the durability, usefulness, and appearance of your home.

The garden

Get as many weeds into your green bin as you can because with the previous wet weather, they would be going crazy right now. In addition to being unappealing, weeds deprive your other plants of nutrients and water. In order to get them ready for the spring growth season, give the grass and garden a healthy feeding as well. Nothing quite says "spring" like a few fresh flowers. Fresh flowers throughout the house, whether they are a single stem or a large bouquet, can cheer up any room. Having indoor plants throughout the house can help freshen and brighten up each room.

Wardrobe refresh

It is highly unlikely that you will need your knitwear and coats for a little while as winter comes to an end. Pack away everything you won't wear to create space in your closet so your warm weather attire has more room to breathe.

Change some things

Rearranging the furniture or other design elements in your home can make it seem as though you are living in a completely different atmosphere. You could replace the smaller pieces of furniture in the living room and bedroom, hang new photos in the frames, or move the plants.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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