By: Laitiah Huynh
February 15, 2022

In 2021 the economy in Adelaide, Australia's most liveable city, grew at the fastest rate in the country!

Nationally, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, there have been signs of a slowdown. However, there are no such indications in Adelaide. It is possible that this resilience is underpinned by a combination of the city’s relative affordability and its high level of livability.

That said, a sharp increase in the median price may begin to put pressure on that affordability. For example, Unley Park, Adelaide's most expensive suburb now has a median price of $2 million.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the city's median has increased by 30%. The last quarter of 2021 had the highest amount of growth ever recorded with an increase of 12.5% in just three months!

The pressure on affordability aside, there are many reasons why South Australia is still performing well, not the least of which is the easing on local and international borders. This will allow yet more competition in an already competitive marketplace.

Rents are also expected to continue to rise and perpetuate the supply and demand equation that has made it so competitive over the last 12 months.

So from our point of view, we look set for a strong first half of 2022.

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Written by
Laitiah Huynh
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